Pamela Sandow is a member of the college’s D.M.D. Class of 1986 and also earned her certificate in Advanced Education in General Dentistry in 1987 from UF. She then joined the faculty of the college and has been involved in student mentoring, the Summer Learning Program, the University Scholars Program, the UF Minority Mentor Program, and the Summer Research Program.
She now serves as the director of the college’s Oral Medicine Clinic and associate dean for Admissions and Financial Aid. Her specialty is the management of oral complications from cancer therapy; including chemotherapy, bone marrow transplantation, and head and neck radiotherapy at the UF Health Science Center.
Dr. Sandow was named Assistant Dean for Admissions in April of 2011. Since then she has obtained more than $5 million in HRSA grants for the Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students, initiated the annual UF Pre-Dental Fair, gained international recognition for over 34 published works, and co-authored a MedEdPORTAL publication of a learning resource module.